Do You Want To Create a Relationship or Have A One-Time Transaction?

The thought came to mind to write this article after I had some work carried out at home.
I felt it was fair to have 3 quotes for the project.

The first phone call was from a recommendation. 
The initial callI the business owner sounded keen to come and quote.
He said he would call me within 2 days to confirm a day.
By the fourth day, I called and assertively said: ” If you don’t have the time to just let me know and I can seek the services of someone else”.
His response “I will call you on Friday to give you a time for Saturday”. 

Saturday came and I received a text msg at 11 am to say he is in the area can he call in.
My husband and I had made plans for the day and were not home.

My second phone call for a quote was a local business.
The gentleman made an appointment on the day I called.
When he did not arrive at the time of our appointment, I called him, he forgot about the appointment.
He came an hour late, he said he will have the quote to me within 2 days.
I followed up a week later for the quote.  He apologised and emailed the quote.

My third phone call, another recommendation.  
The gentleman made an appointment and kept to his word.
The quotation was emailed as promised.
I called back to see if he can possibly come out again to explain a few things to my husband, as he was not there on the day when he first visited.
We arranged a time, completed the job within the next few days.
I made the payment and I included an email with a “thank you” and appreciation of his great work.
Strangely,  there was no response to my email.

A follow-up call and acknowledgment of positive Feedback

The above three experiences were all different.

  • A follow-up call would have saved precious time and eliminate stress.
  • The third experience was pleasant from beginning to end but left me a little confused as to why my positive feedback was not acknowledged.
  • An acknowledgement of feedback makes the customer feel important and not a one- time transaction.


Do you want to create a relationship or have a one-time transaction?


Whether your business is a one-time interaction or requires several appointments you are forming a relationship.

Do you want to create a relationship or have a one-time transaction?

Creating relationships encourages other referrals for your business and as a customer, you feel valued.

Take a few minutes and think of a situation when a follow-up call was made or feedback was acknowledged.

  • How did that make you feel as a customer?
  • How has the follow-up call made a difference to your relationship with your customer?
  • How has it made a difference in your business or how you conduct your business.


I trust you found the article helpful.
Please free to share the article.
Feel free to reach out and share your experience.

Have a great week and a great month.
Live each day Mindfully and Purposefully.

Warm Regards,

Christine Lee
Mb:0421 944 962


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