How To Build Resilience
Resilience is not about skipping the emotions
Every month when it is time for me to write my blog/newsletter, I think about it for days.
I want to write something that will help my readers.
Share information I have learnt and tips that I have used that helped clients and myself, and hopefully will help you.
The past year has been a challenging year for most of us.
So how do you bounce back?
How do you deal with the challenges and changes?
How do you become resilient?
Resilience does not mean ignoring the emotions, our feelings and pretend we are OK and get on with life, while deep inside something is worrying us, keeping us from having a good night’s sleep, having anxiety, disconnecting emotionally from our partners and loved ones.
A quote from Marianne Williamson
“We don’t all have happy days. The dark night of the soul”
We all have bad days. If you need to cry cry.
How do you deal with the challenges and changes?
If something terrible happens to you, the reasonable and common response is to be horrified.
Resilience does not mean to skip the emotions.
Resilience is the ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change and move forward.
Skills to cultivate resilience
- Develop a positive mental attitude.
- Get enough sleep
- Allow yourself to feel and express your emotions
- Practice thought awareness. Be aware of your thoughts
- Reconstruct the way you think about negative situations and experiences.
- Practice what you have learnt and triumph
- Build your self-confidence and believe you will bounce back
- Reach out and seek help if you need to.
Below is a Ted Talk that is worthwhile watching with Dr Lucy Hone, resilience expert and researcher.
Lucy Hone shares her own experience after losing her child and how she bounced back.
I trust you enjoy it as much as I did. (You may need to copy and paste the link)
Please feel free to share the article, reach out or comment.
Live consciously and never take any moment for granted.
Much Love
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