How Writing Helped Me Through Difficult Times


I trust this blog finds you all in a great space.

This month I wanted to share how the love of writing helped me through difficult times.


I have not taken any formal writing courses or training. Writing for me is a way to express my feelings, my thoughts and my dreams. It helps me with clarity and direction when I am working on a project.


I hope after reading the article it inspires you to begin your writing journey.
Allow it to be a place where you can turn to, to share your thoughts, your dreams and be a place where you can get your inspiration.


“There is no judgement. It is about writing from the heart”

The love of journaling began in my childhood. What was once called a “diary” is now called a “journal”.
My diary was a popular type, a diary with a lock and key, yes you know the one! Some of you may be familiar with the type of diary I am referring to.


“Dear Diary became my best friend”

I began my day with “Dear Diary”.
As a young girl in primary school girl that was a good start. I started to write daily or every second day. I would write about what I did that day, what happened on the day that may have upset me, made me happy or simply, what experience made an impression on me.

As the years went on, entering my teens, I had more to write. More problems, family experiences and unforeseen challenges.


“My diary was my safe haven”

During a difficult family experience, I found writing in my diary healing and comforting. It provided me with no solutions but I found it cathartic. It was my safe haven. Somewhere where I can open up my heart, have a cry and find a way to move forward.

Today, I continue to write, daily, generally in the morning. Mornings are best for me. My mind is fresh and not contaminated by the outside world.

I have no agenda about what to write. I allow my heart to guide me. Journaling helps me find solutions to problems, it allows me to dream and plan, and get inspired by my dreams and plans to take action.


“Some tips to help you get started”

I encourage you to start writing and discover how it can help you.

1. If you find it difficult to express your feelings start by writing down your tasks for the day.

2. Continue writing and with time you will find you are able to express yourself without any effort.

3. Your thoughts will flow and the words will follow.


“My short article in Arianna Huffington’s, Thrive Global”

While recovering from surgery recently and not mobile, I spent time reading and writing. I came across an article in Thrive Global asking readers to write a short 100-word article on how we discovered our passion and unlocked our potential.
I was fortunate to have my brief article published.

Please, click on the link below to read the article.

The heading of my article is “A life-long goal served as career guidance”

11 Stories of Self-Discovery That Will Inspire You to Find Your Passion


I trust you enjoy reading the blog and it inspires you to begin writing and helps you release what is locked deep inside you and channel it to help you discover hidden potentials.

Please feel free to share the blog.

Connect with me on Facebook, Instagram or send me an email.

“Love Life, Live Life and Embrace Every Experience”

Warmest Regards,

Christine Lee                                                                          







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