A Time To Reflect

It is a time when many of us reflect on our achievements, our dreams of what we have achieved  or what more could we have achieved, if only we applied ourselves that little bit more.

NOW is the time to plan and take action.  Create the ideal environment in 2011 for 2012.

What is it that you want for 2012?

What can you do differently to what you have been doing in the past?

In your mind’s eye see yourself in your ideal invornment, the ideal you.

It may be that you want to become a healthier version of yourself.

Take action now!

Clean out your pantry.  Buy healthy wholesome food.  Read anything you come across on health and nutrition.

Surround yourself with like minded people, or people that reflect who you want to be.

Who you desire to be is there right inside you waiting to flourish.

You and your loved ones deserve the best version of yourself.

So what is it that you are going to do today?  What simple step are you taking?

Make the commitment to yourself.

It may be that you are a parent and don’t have enough  “me” time.

Stop for a minute and think of one thing you do daily that can be done every second day.

So what can you do for yourself in that half an hour?  It can be, having a cup of coffee/tea in the garden in peace.  It may be reading a magazine or paper.

How can you create that for yourself?

If you are telling yourself time is the problem.  Remember if there is one thing we all have equally is time.  24hours in a day.

How we use and prioritise that time is our choice.

Make YOU a priority!

Start now create a beginning in 2011, so by 2012 it is a serving habit.

To All You Deserve To Be

Feedback Welcome
Christine Lee

Ultimate Minds


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