How Cultivating A Positive Attitude Can Have a Positive Impact On The Attitudes Of Others

I began this month’s newsletter; many topics came to mind.
Attitude topped the list because I am now experiencing how attitude can put you on a path of destruction, or healing, and recovery.

The advice I give my clients comes back to me:

How a shift of thinking can create a vivid picture of your outcome.


W. Clement Stone ( American Philanthropist and Self Help Book Author)
There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. 
The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative.

Let me give you a real-life and current example.

While recovering from surgery and experiencing pain and lack of sleep, it is very easy to feel there is no light at the end of the tunnel.
I wake up with excruciating pain like I am being stabbed with a knife.
I tell myself I can be brave and take in deep breaths and not ask for pain relief.
Rehab sessions twice a day become a nightmare at first.
You hear, ” Come on one more you can do it.”  I tried and tried to push past the pain, the pain so unbearable I wanted to scream.

I had to change one small thing: My Attitude.

One evening, I went to bed rehearsing how tomorrow would be different.
I created scenarios to help myself recover and make an easy transition.
I played that over and over in my mind.  I meditated and journaled, and I had a peaceful night’s sleep.
The next day, I entered rehab surrounded by people, some of whom had undergone similar surgeries.
I greeted each person individually and encouraged them with their exercises.
By changing my attitude, I was able to help others change their attitude.
One lovely lady told me, “I don’t know what I would do if you weren’t here.  You have given me the strength to push through.”
Consider a time when you faced a challenging task, and your attitude hindered your progress.

How might things have turned out differently if you had approached the task with a more positive attitude?

When we change our attitude, our mindset shifts, and we can see the outcome.
The outcome, your goal as if you have it now, becomes your driver.
You go to bed each night, knowing you have progressed a little step forward today.
You feel inspired because your doing, your self-talk, and your actions created your progress, with no external influence.

A Significant Breakthrough

Once you have a significant breakthrough, it generates momentum, allowing you to set and achieve goals that were once mere dreams.
Your Attitude can influence others to change their attitude and see there is light at the end of the tunnel and that the pain and discomfort are temporary.
Having a positive attitude enables you to see things from a different perspective.


  • Building a positive attitude is a journey that requires patience and persistence. Embrace the process and watch your mindset transform!
  • Practice skills that will help you develop a positive attitude.
  • Keep the momentum going
  • Surround yourself with people who are optimistic.
  • Listen to other people’s stories.
  • Encourage and support others, even through your challenges.
  • Your self-talk can become someone else’s self-talk
  • You need to have the right attitude in order to create a positive mindset.
  • Remember, there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

I trust you enjoyed reading the article. Please feel free to share it if you think someone may find it valuable.

As always feel free to reach out.


Warm Regards,


Mb: 0421944962





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