Tips to Maintain Healthy Eating This Winter

In my previous blog, I discussed ways to stay motivated to exercise during the winter.
As a follow-up, to this month’s topic I will share some tips to eat healthy this winter and maintain a healthy diet, not just during the colder months but as a part of a healthy lifestyle.  
As the weather gets colder, it can disrupt your usual eating habits and make it challenging to stick to a healthy way of eating that you may have been accustomed to during the warmer season.
If you tend to struggle during the winter months every year, consider some thoughtful planning this year to break the cycle.
Your mind is an amazing tool, it can work with you or work against you. Be mindful of your thoughts and your behaviour.
Catch yourself when your thoughts are not serving you. Pause and reframe your thinking.

Your Brain is your Google Engine.  What it Searches for it will find.  Search for ideas to inspire you.

You may be encountering some  possible obstacles, such as:

1. Not Being Honest Honest With Yourself


Have an honest conversation with yourself, no more excuses

Be clear on what you want and don’t want to do this winter.
Write it down and ask yourself these questions
  • Why do you want to maintain a healthy lifestyle?
  • What is your outcome?  Do you have a clear picture in your mind?
  • When will you begin?
  • How will you make this happen?

2. Not Planning Ahead


  • Planning will give you direction and accountability.  It will keep you motivated
  • It will keep your mind focused
  • You can share your plan and motivate others
  • Clean out your pantry and stock it with healthy nourishing food.
  • Stock up your fridge with seasonal vegetables and fruit
  • Plan your weekly meals

3. Craving More Comfort Food During The Colder Months

It’s common to crave comforting foods such as creamy soups, pasta, warm sticky desserts, warm pastries and bread with loads of butter, not to mention a favourite, chocolate, wine or other alcohol.


  • If you have planned ahead, as above, you will not have to worry about comfort foods, you won’t have them easily accessible.
  • Don’t deprive yourself, if you feel like a treat, have it but have a small serving.
  • Find comfort foods that are more nourishing.

 4. Temptation Leads to Bad Choices


  • Avoid situations that may tempt you, at least at the beginning
  • Surrounded yourself with like-minded people
  • If you are in a situation where you think you may make a bad choice be mindful of what you eat

5. Large  Portions


  • Your eyes are bigger than your belly
  • Choose a plate you will use for your meals.  One serving, no seconds
  • If you are still hungry after your meal, wait 30 minutes and see how you feel.  If you are honestly still hungry have a healthy snack like a piece of fruit.

6. Less Range of Seasonal Fruit and Vegetables Declines During This Time of the Year


  • Yes, that can be a reason or excuse.  There are seasonal vegetables and fruits that you can explore with.
  • Make it your goal, each time you do your shopping to try a new vegetable or fruit.

7. Take-out and Delivery Services Are Very Convenient.


  • If you “must” have takeout, pick it up. You will save on delivery fees and get your body moving.  Hopefully, you will really find the experience too much effort and start to prepare your meals at home
  • Now is the time to explore new food and recipes and be creative
  • Attend a cooking class

8. The Weather Makes It Less Appealing For You To Go Out and About.


  • Look for classes to attend and exercise in a group
  • Research some exercises you can do at home.  Explore videos, on YouTube.
  • Talk to others to see how they maintain their exercise routine.
  • You don’t need expensive equipment.
  • Move your body, it will love you for it!

9. Fewer Daylight Hours and More Time Spent Inside


  • Incidental exercises like cleaning the house
  • Clean out your wardrobe
  • Exercise indoors
  • Go to bed early and get up early to fit in a half-hour walk or other exercise

10. Loss of motivation to cook


  • Find motivation through others
  • Educate yourself about a new way of cooking
  • Ask others what they do when they lose motivation
  • With the internet, there are thousands of cooking demonstrations and recipe ideas.
  • Is it motivation you’ve lost or stuck for ideas?


I trust you find the article helpful.  If you have any questions please feel free to reach out.

If you found this article helpful feel free to share.

Happy Healthy Eating!



Mb: 0421944962

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